Courses Attended


International Courses Attended

National Courses Attended

International Courses Attended

  1. SRS Regional Course European and Middle East Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, May 25-27 2006
  2. Oxford Unicompartmental Knee Advanced Instructional Course Florance Nıghtıngale Hospital Istanbul Turkey 01st-02nd December 2006
  3. AO Advanced Course, Istanbul, 28-31 / 8 / 2007
  4. AO Principles in Operative Fracture Management Course, Ankara Turkey 25-29 Jaunary 2008 *
  5. AO Trauma Course -  Principles in Operative Fracture Management , Istanbul Turkey 18-21 June 2011 *
  6. European Spine Course Diploma Module 2 Dejenerative  Challenges , Istanbul  Turkey 10-11 September 2011 *
  7. European Spine Course Diploma Module 5 Revisions and Complications  , Barcelona Spain 23-24 September 2011 *
  8. European Spine Course Diploma Module 1 Basic Comprehensive Course  , Budapest Hungary 10 November 2011 *
  9. European Spine Course Diploma Module 3 Trauma Tumors and Infections  , Budapest Hungary 11-12 November 2011 *
  10. AO Trauma Course -  Advences in Operative Fracture Management , Ankara Turkey 21-24 January 2012 *
  11. European Spine Course Diploma Module 4 Spinal Deformities  , Lucerne Switzerland 29-30 March 2012 *
  12. Sagittal Balance; Master Course, Izmir, Turkey, 31 Mart 2013 *
  13. SRS Pre-Meeting Course on “Adult Deformity” , Cappadocia, Turkey, 17 of April, 2013 *
  14. 1Epiduroskopi. Seuol, Korea.7 April 2017 *

National Courses Attended

  1. MSEK- Alt ekstremite dizilim bozukluklarında yuruyus ozellikleri ve tedavi yaklasimlari,  Istanbul 25 /12/ 2004
  2. I.Artroplasti temel kursu , Ankara 11-12 /3/ 2005
  3. I.Ayak ve ayak bilegi cerrahisi kursu  ,Istanbul, 23 / 9 / 2005
  4. II.Temel ortopedik travma kursu, Ankara, 24-25 / 9 /  2005
  5. III.Monolateral Eksternal Fiksator Kursu Uygulamalari Temel Kursu, Konya, 1 / 4/ 2006
  6. Bahar okulu, Lara/Antalya, 27-30 / 4 / 2006
  7. XI.Ilizarov kursu, Adana, 12-14 / 5 /  2006
  8. Ileri Omurga Kursu. , Istanbul,  12-14 / 6 / 2006
  9. Ileri Omurga Kursu, Istanbul, 29-30 / 6 /  2007
  10. Temel Omurga Kursu, Antalya,  23-24 /11/  2007 *
  11. Dirsek Cerrahisi Kursu, Istanbul, 26/6/2008 *
  12. Bilimsel Calisma ve Sunum Teknikleri, Gelecegin Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanlari – 2009, Istanbul, 13-15/3/2009 *
  13. TOTBID-TOTEK  CEP Klinik Gozden Gecirme Kursu, Istanbul, 30.09.2010 – 02.10.2010 *
  14. Turk El ve Ust ekstremite Cerrahisi Dernegi Prof.Dr.Ridvan Ege Temel El Cerrahisi Kurslari – III (Tendon Yaralanmalari ve Rehabilitasyonu), Malatya, 19-20 Mayis 2011 *
  15. Egitim Formasyon Kursu, Inonu Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Malatya, 25 Subat- 8 Mart 2013 *
  16. Servikal Omurgada Posterior Tespit Yontemleri ve Posterior Spinal Osteotomi Teknikleri Konulu Kadavra Kursu, Akdeniz Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji AD ve Klinik Anatomi, Antalya, 23 – 24 Eylul 2013 *
  17. 9.Ayak ve ayak bilegi cerrahisi kursu  ,Istanbul, 17-18 / 10 / 2014 *
  18. Oksiputtan sakruma omurgada kompleks rekonstruksiyonlar kursu, Antalya, 5 Kasim 2015

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